My husband is a beast! (And a 30 week update)


Waking up at 5 am was totally worth it to watch my husband run across the finish line of his very first Marathon!! (Not to mention this sunrise was pretty incredible!)


J just minutes after crossing the finish line!

He trained like an animal and ran like a beast! I am so. stinking. proud!


Who needs a fancy pants ice bath ; )


Me with the BEAST!!!

While my husband was out kicking butt, I was doing a whole lot of walking around downtown Denver ( somewhere between 6 and a million miles) and this….


I wandered over to the 16th street mall ( which is an entire street of stores and restaurants) And found myself a rare thing… a restaurant with a plethora of “Daphne Friendly” foods! So of course I stuffed my pregnant face.

IMG_1004                 **This isn’t a great picture so you’ll have to use your imagination**   I got to enjoy a free Matisyahu concert in the VIP section! (I have no idea HOW i ended up there…  I was asking a volunteer where the concert entrance was ,and the next thing I know she was sneaking me into the VIP section!) I was sad that the majority of people around me had no Idea who Matisyahu was!! I couldn’t have gotten through my job in the medical supply factory while studying  in Israel if it wasn’t for “King without a crown” on repeat!! But it was great …and I got myself a suntan : ) So… WIN!

It was a very long day, but a great one! I am a proud wife and enjoyed watching my husband kick butt!


30 weeks!!! WHAT!?                 * Sam’s Club bathroom selfie* PURE CLASS.

It’s kinda crazy, but this last week I have had some pretty awesome energy  and have been feeling the best i’ve felt in a LONG time! Most people get this “Burst of energy” in the second trimester… but as I have learned many times over….. I am NOT most people. My body does what it wants! *Please read with attitude* ; )

But hey, I will take this energy!

Stay classy and have a glorious evening my friends!

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